Social Enterprises
to Consultants

The Problem faced by Social Enterprises

As business landscapes undergoes drastic changes due to the ongoing pandemic, some social enterprises requires mentorship and support to help them navigate through these uncertain times.
However, without a large network and with many consultants specialising in different fields of expertise, social enterprises may find it hard to get the right mentor.

Our Solution

Building resilience among Social Enterprises

In SocialiSE, our aim is to bridge the gap between social enterprises and consultancy firms to give them the support they need. This is done through a web app that allows social enterprises to post their problems and have mentors choose which problem they want to help.

What we bring to the table


Social enterprises can simply post their problems on the forum, and have consultants with relevant expertise quickly and easily contact them to offer their assistance

Built on top of raiSE site

We aim to have the application hosted on the existing raiSE website, to tap on their network of social enterprises and consultants.

Posts are sorted based on relevance

Posts can be sorted according to the consultants' preference and relevant to their expertise

Meet some of our Social Enterprises

Bloomback empowers marginalised women by providing them with holistic training such as floristry and personal development skills to integrate them back into society.

Bloomback profile picture


Fashion & Retail

21 Extra Goodness sells home-cooked food to the local community and raise awareness on Down syndrome and other special needs, with the vison that all people are valued and treated fairly regardless of disability.

21 Extra Goodness profile picture

21 Extra Goodness

Food & Beverage

Ace Seniors provide Singaporeans aged 50+ years with tools, tips, skills and activities to be active, contributive and engaged, ensuring younger older adults remain relevant and a source of inspiration for their community.

Ace Seniors

Health & Social Services

Migrant X Me seeks to build an inclusive Singapore by empowering youths for the migrant community. Through experiential programmes and volunteer opportunities, we strive to raise awareness about the migrant worker community among youths.

Migrant X Me

Education & Training

bantu Workspace is a cloud-based community management and engagement platform with tools to easily recruit, organise, and build sustainable and modern communities.


Information & Communications

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Social Enterprises

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